Sunday 27 February 2011

Cycling is healthy and for your Freshing..

After I underwent his own style of MTB cycling I've got tips on "healthy" cycling for beginners or for anyone who would do a hobby or just want a la ria MTB cycling, these tips apply generally:

1. For those who just started her MTB bike, do not buy an expensive bike (especially the skins are tight), MTB bike because it fit and adjust, not all MTB bike suitable for everyone-not cheap or expensive-looking, because it depends on habits and posture body!

2. Do not Shame / pride, as if ashamed and prestige put forward then we become too pd, while cycling is an important powerful 'ngengkol', if the prestige that use a cheap bike but not strong kitanya ngengkol, we become a laughing stock for people who 'know' bike!
3. Learn the routes, because not everyone can or match the route to be traversed in cycling, there are like 'derivatives' of this flow is DH, nobody likes 'countryside' This flow is Cross Country, nobody likes flat streets of this flow is fun bike, etc., etc.. No need to impose follow the entire route because we could be bothered own!
4. Expand friend, because with the many friends we can bike with the cheery, join clubs / community / society is one way to add friends and makes cycling healthy!
5. Do not forget ... .. Important for work and family rather than cycling!

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