Sunday, 6 June 2010

Beauty & Health .: 8 Energy-Sustaining Sweets

Beauty & Health .: 8 Energy-Sustaining Sweets

8 Energy-Sustaining Sweets

Ever notice how your hand automatically reaches for something sweet when you are under pressure or feeling blue? Sugar hits the spot when a quick fix seems in order. But it’s a roller-coaster ride—the higher the lift, the harder the crash; in the aftermath you end up more stressed and depressed than before. Does this mean we should deprive ourselves of sweets completely?
According to Ayurveda, sweets are one of the six tastes necessary for a balanced diet. If we deny our body the sweetness it needs in small quantities, then the balance among the tastes is disrupted, and we tend to overindulge by way of compensation. Some measure of sweetness is necessary to preserve balance.
If you balance sugar with protein, fat, and carbohydrate, it won’t have a jarring effect on the body because it will enter the system more slowly. Consequently, you’ll be spared the rapid rise and equally rapid fall in your blood sugar level, which causes emotional highs and lows.
I have collected a few of my all-time favorites to satisfy both Western and Eastern palates. They’re delicious and healthy. Most are high in protein—in the form of dairy and nuts—though some non-dairy recipes are included (for more vegan desserts, click here). The recipes offer a choice of sweeteners and incorporate seasonal fruits, as either ingredients or toppings. Unless otherwise specified, the recipes serve 4–6 people.
Of all Indian sweets, kheer is considered to be the most sattvic. It is delicate, mild, nourishing, and easy to digest, so it keeps the mind light for meditation.
1⁄2 gallon whole milk
3⁄4 cup rice (preferably basmati)
1⁄2 cup sugar or other sweetener
1⁄4 cup grated fresh or dried coconut (optional)
1⁄4 cup raisins (optional)
1⁄4 cup cashews (optional)
1⁄4 teaspoon coarsely ground fresh green cardamom
10 strands saffron, ground
1⁄8 cup slivered almonds (for garnish)
On high heat, bring the milk to a boil. If you are using lowfat milk be careful, as it scorches easily. Put the rice in a strainer and rinse it with cold water before adding it to the boiling milk. Stir the mixture, making sure the rice doesn’t stick to the bottom, until the milk starts to boil again. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat to low. While the rice is cooking, crack the cardamom pods and grind them with a mortar and pestle. Then grind the saffron separately in the mortar with 1⁄4 teaspoon water. When the rice is done and the milk is thick, turn the heat off and stir in the green cardamom and saffron. Add the sweetener of your choice and the coconut, raisins, or cashews. Pour the kheer into a serving dish and garnish it with almonds. It may be served warm or cold.

Watermelon Mint Smoothie Recipe    :


Watermelon is a totally good-for-you food: The sweet, juicy pink melon is high in cancer-fighting lycopene and vitamins, but has zero fat or cholesterol.
This refreshing smoothie could earn a well-deserved place in your regular diet, it’s so luscious–and it’s good for you, too. Watermelon Mint Smoothie makes a great breakfast, or a super pick-me-up snack anytime. Get the easy recipe here:
1 to 2 cups seedless watermelon chunks
1 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon fresh mint leaves, or to taste
1 cup lemon yogurt
Dash cinnamon
1. Puree watermelon, honey, and mint in a blender or food processor quickly–do not over blend. Pulse in the yogurt and cinnamon just until smooth..
SERVE 1 or 2

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Beauty & Health .: Understanding about Beauty

Beauty & Health .: Understanding about Beauty

Understanding about Beauty

Beauty is a phenomenal concept which is as old as mankind. Yet, it is a concept which is very misunderstood. Different individuals listen to such diverse views of what beauty entails that quite a number end up confused, frustrated and frankly give up. If someone were to walk right up to you and asked you to define beauty; what would you say? Would you start describing a cover model you saw in one of the popular magazines, or colors of the rainbow? Or would you consider a soft melodious piece of music or even a romantic verse from a lover? All these can be defined within the concept of beauty but one thing that is clear, there is no definite definition of beauty. Beauty is something abstract and intangible. It is something about something. This something about something will vary from individual to individual. A popular definition of beauty is that it is a characteristic about something that gives a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. Therefore for beauty to be perceived, it must stimulate the senses to evoke a feeling of joy, pleasure and satisfaction. From this definition, the judge of what's beautiful is the person who receives or fails to receive the pleasure.
How is this sensuous beauty applicable among human beings? What makes one be considered beautiful and attractive? Is a person considered beautiful necessarily attractive? These are complex questions which do not have a direct answer. The way the societies we live in view beauty is influenced by many factors. First of all there are cultural factors. In the past, each culture had distinct criteria upon which they based beauty. There are those cultures that considered plump women to be beautiful. Therefore fattening of maidens before marriage was a common practice. Others considered small feet to be beautiful. These have however changed a lot in modern times. With the advancement of technology and human interaction, the differences in cultural preferences have been minimized and we now almost have a standard way of viewing beauty. This is greatly influenced by the parameters set by top fashion houses. The images they project to the public, form the dress, walking style and physique have increasingly become the trend that the reminder of the World is expected to follow. But is what we see on the Catwalk the true representation of beauty? Thankfully, no. Human beauty is so rich in variety that we can have no set parameters within which to define it. One cannot authoritatively say small is beautiful, blonde is beautiful, slim is beautiful, green eyes are beautiful etc. and condemn other characteristics. There is no standard of beauty and each individual is beautiful in her own way. There may only be prejudices as a result of the society around the individual. It for this reason you would find a man married to a blonde having an affair with a brunette, or a lady of oriental or African descent. They are simply beautiful and the man cannot resist!
So, if we are all beautiful, what then is the big deal? Is there any reason to bother or care about how we look? Yes there is! You must certainly take the keenest interest in how you look. We live in a complex and highly socialized world. The image of beauty has become highly commercialized. Non conformity is risking rejection. Studies have shown that what is considered beautiful has a halo effect. A beautiful and attractive person will receive more attention, score higher marks in class, get more assistance, get a better job, be paid more and be trusted more. Coincidentally, people who are considered beautiful are better adjusted, confident and appear more intelligent. Therefore beauty plays a key role in our lives in how we relate with others and in how we choose our mates. It is therefore a responsible thing for us to ensure that we are beautiful. How do we do this? Since we have established that beauty is about evoking feelings of pleasure and satisfaction in other people, we must therefore aim at ensuring that people are pleased with what they see when they look at us. We all have strengths and weaknesses. We must strive to strengthen our strengths and mask our weaknesses. The aim is not to be the most beautiful person around. That is futile in that there is no such most beautiful person. The aim is to ensure we are presentable and acceptable in the society we live in. This will enhance our self confidence and of course our health. In Beauty and Health for Happiness, we will discuss tips on how to enhance our beauty and health. But first we must observe the following fundamental beauty tips.
• Accept yourself the way you are and know that you are beautiful in your own unique way. This is the first step in enhancing your beauty and health, making it shine to all around you.
• Develop healthy habits. Beauty and health are inseparable. Among the many characteristics contributing to overall beauty is health and youthfulness. You must have a healthy body, healthy skin, eyes, good breath, and healthy teeth etc. It is therefore imperative that you have a well balanced diet, exercise regularly and consult your doctor whenever necessary.
• Identify suitable products that you can use to strengthen your strengths and mask your weaknesses. These include moisturizers, creams, perfumes and hair products etc.
• Make a plan and start simply.
Beauty is a concept that plays a major role in lives and affects how we socialize and compete within the society we live in. There is no correct version of beauty and all of us are beautiful in our own way. Our perceptions of beauty are influenced by the society we live in and the modern commercialization of beauty. You however need not follow what you see in commercials. You can instead make a point of improving how you present yourself to others, and in the process, enhance your beauty and health.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

How to Lose Weight on Budget

Top 10 Affordable Weight Loss Programs :by Andrew Forster
The top books on the market discuss a diet plan to follow. You can follow the Atkins plan that is low carb and high protein. The problem with his plan is that it allows you to eat little fiber or fruits but plenty of fat and that has caused some, including Dr. Atkins, a number of health problems. Here are the top 10 affordable weight loss programs.
1 The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet Plan is a healthier alternative because the plan encourages eating fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and meats so the food groups are allowed. There are a few "reward" meals high in fat so they shouldn't be consumed often.
2 Choose To Lose is another decent option allowing lean proteins, cereal, fruits, and vegetables. You are given a fat amount that you are not to exceed yet you can spend it your way. Once you have consumed the fat, that is your allotment for the day.
3 The Dash Diet encourages you to follow the Food Guide Pyramid guidelines and keep your carbs whole grain. This plan is mainly to lower cholesterol and blood pressure but it provides decent weight loss benefits with the added bonus you can eat plenty on this plan including lots of breads and pastas.
4 Eat More, Weight Less by Dr. Ornish is more targeted to vegetarian diets because of the lack of meats and eggs.
5 Eat Right For Your Type This book follows the belief that different blood types have different nutritional needs though there is no supportive evidence or research.
6 The Pritkin Principle is a fairly healthy diet but is not for people who eat a lot of meat, the plan calls for some lean proteins but not much. It does limit saturated fats and focuses on fruits, vegetables, soups, pastas, and oatmeal so there are some nutritional benefits just make sure you get enough calcium in your meals.
7 Volumetrics is similar to the Pritkin Principle and encourages you to eat plenty of produce. Your fat intake is limited but this diet is respectfully healthy and suggests against crackers and cookies. It is a lower calorie plan.
8 The Zone is a healthier option to Atkins because it recommends lean meats and proteins but tends to run low on suggestions for calcium.
9 Weight Watchers offers many great programs and publications to help you plan your own meals and learn to make smarter food choices on your own with help and support from their program and its consultants.
10 Better Fitness offers a results based online weight loss program. More than just a book they offer customized exercise programs and nutritional plans, and access to a personal trainer. You are able to see your progress online with support and get a refund if you're not happy.
A doctor's opinion and approval is recommended if you are considering any of these plans, to ensure they are not harmful to your health. It is important to know if your body can handle high protein low carb diets or restrictive fat plans before beginning. Find a way to eat better without following a boring meal menu and you are more in control of the system. Visit this free blog to learn all about these great programs and find articles on better health.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Learning About Health Food

It is a fact that to feel well you must eat well, by following a balanced diet. This will reduce your health problems and aid recovery when illnesses occur. A balanced diet will ensure you take in basic nutrients which the body requires. This will include vitamins, the right kind of fats, minerals, and carbohydrates which we are given to understand that the body requires on a regular basis. This may include some organic foods, but there are divided opinions at the present time and the jury is still-out so to speak. We can ,however, take the term "Health Food" to mean food with the right nutriments required for our wellness.

Organic Foods

There is a lot of talk and publicity in recent times about organic food. Organic food is grown without using pesticides or chemical based fertilizers. Unlike non organic food, organic food does not receive artificial processsing additives. Due to the system employed by the the large Super Markets for the distribution of food to their outlets, the food processing outlets need to use some chemical based addatives to the products to prolong the products life during the distribution and selling process. This does not happen with organic food. Also there are many markets which sell organic food direct from growers to cusomers. The consumption of organic food appears to be on the increase.

Functional Food

Many people are now familiar with the concept of organic food, more so than functional food which still requires even more publicity and understanding than received so far. Functional food can be described as food that could lead to better health and reduce the number of illnesses from the present levels. There has been the coming together of nutrition and pharmaceuticals where the producers of functional foods often use the nutritional value to boost the marketing process.

Nutritional Uses of Food

This category within the food market refers to foods to which various nutrients are added. This necessitates a change in labelling requirements.. This is because these foods are available for people who have metabolic problems or other people who have physiological conditions. It also includes children and infants who fall into this category. It is of course always wise to seek professional advice on these matters, but it helps before you do that to at least be aware of basic information to point you in the right direction,such as given in this article.

by Harry Raymond Cowperthwaite
